
While Microsoft "push email" is stalled, Visto moves into mid-range phone market with Nextel

by Guy Kewney | posted on 24 May 2005

Visto's dominance of intellectual property in email push - and its willingness to enforce its legal rights - has seen Vodafone, and now Nextel, go with the "ConstantSynch" technology, rather than wait for Microsoft and Exchange to support this technique.

Guy Kewney

The Nextel  announcement today claims that it not only works with today's version of Microsoft Exchange - where Windows Mobile 5.0 requires a new Service Pack in July - but also, works with rival email servers such as Lotus Notes, or Web services like Earthlink, and Yahoo! mail.

To use the Visto system, you need a network provider that supports it, and a ordinary Java based mobile phone. The advantage of RIM and Microsoft (when it's available) alternatives, will be the ability to work over other wireless networks; but the drawback is the need for a special smartphone or two-way pager.

Can Microsoft nonetheless make a big splash with "Magneto" and Exchange push? Well, yes: Exchange is easily the dominant corporate email server on the planet, and people who have an Exchange Server machine on the premises will almost certainly go with the next Service Pack; and will follow their primary supplier with mobile Pocket PC email and Smartphone email, in preference to rivals.

But the longer the legal dispute delays Microsoft, the bigger the share that will go to rivals, and the smaller the Redmond tsunami will be in the pool when it makes its big entrance.

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