
Broken handlebar grips are a major problem when playing polo with the Segway.

by Guy Kewney | posted on 10 February 2005

Yes, indeed; the two-wheeler that anybody (except George Bush) can ride is searching for new markets. Nobody wants a Segway for carrying the shopping home, so the makers have come up with a game-playing version.

Guy Kewney

It requires safety gear: "We constructed two speciality Segway units for the match and for sale at the Segway of Oakland shop," said Steve Steinberg, a partner in Segway of Oakland. "The Polo Master p utilises the lower cargo frame accessory with added padding to protect the rider and act as a roll bar. It also has the larger i Series wheels, thus accommodating a kickstand and providing higher ground clearance than an i Series. Meanwhile, the Polo Master i, has motocross-style brush-guard handlebar grip covers to protect the rider’s hands and the handlebar in the event of a collision, since broken handlebar grips are a major problem when playing polo with the Segway."

“Playing polo on the Segway was really interesting,” said his partner Darren Romar. “It was definitely not stellar play from our standpoint. We are new so we didn’t facilitate much action. We got in the way a lot and didn’t really follow all the rules, but I’m sure we’ll get better.”

Rules? Surely there aren't enough Segway owners to make up a team, never mind enough to have a meeting to formulate regulations for play?

“It was a great experience and now we want to find some more players in Oakland or the East Bay so we can form a team,” said Steve Steinberg. Bingo.

Of course, it could all be a PR exercise by the White House in cooperation with this enterprising Segway dealer, to make it look like less of an achievement by Bush to fall off the thing. Anybody can do it... if they're daft enough to play polo on it, that is!

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