How to sponsor NewsWireless - and The Mobile Campaign
by Guy Kewney | posted on 02 March 2002
The aim of this site is to make wireless data easier. And to do that, we, the users of mobile devices, have to shift a lot of rubble out of the way. We can do it, if we join together; and we need more industry support to do this.

I need your help. I have a vision of a world where you can have full-speed broadband access to any data you want, without having to find an office. Like, the garden, the nearest coffee shop, the bedroom, the nearest pub, the bar in the hotel (not just the business centre) or even a street bench. Wireless can make this happen.
But it won't just happen by itself; it needs wireless users to put pressure on people who oppose the idea.
There are institutions which oppose wireless data. There are standards which make it impossible. And there are Government bodies who move only reluctantly and slowly, unless we users learn to speak out urgently, and make ourselves heard.
This site aims to start creating this pressure. This site costs money to run; and without money, I can't put the pressure I want to bring to bear on the people and institutions who say: "This standard might possibly interfere with an obsolete radar system" or "user-driven wireless could compete with third generation phones" or even just "we can't really be bothered ... "
I have two ways of fixing this. First, I want subscribers to this site. There will be a subscriber offer launched in a few weeks; there will be a special membership offering, and there will be a newsletter available.
But first, I need corporate backing. I have some sponsors ready to announce; but I want more. I need the industry to be behind the Mobile Campaign, and to be visible in its support.
The deal is simple, and full details are available on request - mail me - but essentially, I'll provide a sponsor page, once a month, to any sponsor.
That page will contain sponsor messages. It will be labelled as "sponsor" and it will be, clearly, a message from the sponsor, not from me.
You probably know someone who would support NewsWireless, and who should sponsor us. Just mail me! - I'll chase them. And I can send details of our Campaign, and what we aim to do, and how to help.
Give Us The Money! - You can discuss this article on our discussion board.
in Sponsors
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How to sponsor NewsWireless - and The Mobile Campaign