Guru adds a Top Eleventh Mistake to list ...
by Sniffer | posted on 13 October 2003
Last week, Jakob Nielsen gave press a presentation of his "top ten mistakes" that web site designers make. Missing from the list, was this one: "If you make a big fuss about a top ten list, and then give people the URL of your own web site, make sure your site actually has the list on it."

The list for last year was published - not by Nielsen himself, it turns out, but by several other people.
This year, the list seems not to be available. We thought it was on his web site and we said so. We were wrong! - We're still waiting for packets to be sniffed which might reveal where it is going to appear.
It was, we suppose, very nice of the great man not to steal the thunder of the people who attended his presentation by beating them into print, and it is quite understandable that he gave them the URL of his web site.
Perhaps, though, he should consider the disappointment of those who followed the link? They assumed it would give them the list. We certainly did!
Oh, well; it means that next year's list will possibly be different ...
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