Nokia must wake up, design new phones - Business Week
by Guy Kewney | posted on 25 March 2002
More colour phones, new features, needed to tempt American phone users, seem to be missing from Nokia this year, says a BW report.

"To spark interest among subscribers and drive revenue growth, service providers such as AT&T Wireless, Cingular Wireless, and Sprint PCS want new Net phones that play music and take photos," reports Roger O. Crockett in today's Business Week bulletin.
The report suggests that however well Nokia may be doing in the rest of the world, it is "sluggish" with new features that American consumers want.
The lack of new features may be taking a toll, reports Crockett. He notes: "No. 3-ranked Sprint PCS, the nation's fastest-growing carrier, doesn't do any business with Nokia", adding that it prefers working with Korean manufacturers such as Samsung and Kyocera. "We have focused on manufacturers that are willing to provide unique phones," he quotes Sprint President Charles E. Levine.
"That's why some analysts think Nokia's product strategy might be a lost call," he summarises.
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