
Courtois announces Barcelona for next year's TechEd, too

by Guy Kewney | posted on 01 July 2002

Next year's TechEd will be here in Barcelona, like this year and the year before.

Guy Kewney

Microsoft's European President, Jean-Phillippe Courtois, introduced the first speakers to this year's TechEd with a promise that next year's event will be in this huge, European-funded exhibition centre outside Barcelona.

<1/> Jean-Phillippe Courtois

"We liked it so much last year we came back, and we can't see any reason not to come back again next year," he told press delegates before the opening ceremony.

It rained all morning.

Microsoft has several giveaways planned for promotional contests, including (said a pissed-off head of Developer Marketing, Phil Cross) a beach towel. "Should have been a raincoat," he admitted.

At least we have wireless access in the keynote area this year. I'm going to get wet ... but at least I'm not cut off!