Dealer leaks Sony-Ericsson's Z700 rival to the Smartphone
by Guy Kewney | posted on 13 July 2002
You can't find much more about the Z700 on Sony Ericsson's web site - but you can pre-order it from a dealer - Expansys - who appears to have jumped the gun ...

There's a rash of PocketPC phones due to come soon - the PocketPC Phone Edition that most people know is the mmo2 XDA model. But it's been criticised as flawed - no Bluetooth, for example, and no sensible integration of phone and PDA. And now, there's an alternative. Well, sort of ...
What we can't tell you is what the price will be. What we can tell you is that it is more phone than PDA, but that it runs on Java - micro edition (J2ME) instead of Windows.
The phone/PDA was announced back in March at the CeBIT trade show in Hannover, Germany - but right now, all that Sony Ericsson is showing about it, on the web site, is a brief description describing it as the phone that "speaks to your most playful self."
That turns out to be a reference to games. Bundled with the Z700 are two branded mobile games: Men in Black and Charlie's Angels, both owned by Sony Pictures. So: no Pocket Outlook, Pocket Word, or any of the PC-oriented applications you'd get in a Windows SmartPhone - but you do get a Web browser (WAP protocol) working over GPRS. And if you go for an O2 SIM you can get £200 off the price - when that is announced.
Pre-order it now from Expansys and if you go for it, let us know when it gets delivered, will you?
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