Police go mobile in Wales with PDAs, Tablets
by Guy Kewney | posted on 19 March 2003
Mobile management specialist XcelleNet has unveiled a Windows-based mobile policing solution, partly harvested from Canada and also from America, for North Wales police. It has police able to browse the web while on stake-out ...

The project, called Record Management System, is a subset of a mobile/wireless development called Aquarius, which has already some 200 Tablet PCs and 300 PDAs ready to roll in patrol cars.
"The idea is to enable officers to have the same resources in the very widely varying geographical region," said Mike Hughes, an inspector with the force, and a project manager on the command and control development.
The decision was made to go with Windows and derivatives; Pocket PC 2002 and Windows 2000/XP - to make development simple.
Details of the project range from being able to get a photograph of a suspect on a screen, while waiting outside on a stakeout, right through to taking photographs of cars parked illegally, so that the photo goes with the tickets. There are even Bluetooth-linked printers for parking tickets.
More details available from Xcellenet, which manages software uploads to the disparate mobile devices.
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Police go mobile in Wales with PDAs, Tablets