Shock resistant, awe-inspiring portable PC in Gulf war
by Guy Kewney | posted on 23 March 2003
While the rest of us worry about low power Centrino laptops (or not!) the military worry about keeping out the dust, the water, and the bumps - and they've found a REALLY expensive way of doing it ...

Not everybody is going to want to pay $4,500 for a 700 MHz Pentium III processor, and only a 20 GB hard drive, even with "industry-leading wireless performance" - unless there's something particularly good about it in some other area.
The GoBook Max has that extra feature: fully-ruggedized.
And that, of course, has raised a "topical" note, with at least one reporter speculating that the war will boost sales of the GoBook.
"Just as Desert Storm boosted the sales of Hummers and GPS handhelds, Gulf War II will spawn its own crossover hits, pieces of military equipment that become civilian fetish objects. A prediction: One of the war's big winners will be Itronix's GoBook MAX, a sort of Windows laptop on steroids," said the reporter. And apparently, they are there.
"The GoBook MAX has already been spotted in video from the front, and Air Force firemen deployed in Turkey have them. If Gulf War II is the first Internet war, then a computer should be its first piece of military chic."
Full details, if you have the money, from the Itronix web site.
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