GPS Bluetooth package gets European maps for car nav
by Guy Kewney | posted on 23 March 2003
Ever since Socket announced its Bluetooth GPS receiver, mobile users have wanted a way of connecting it to their PDAs; and finally, with the CeBIT launch of its Bluetooth GPS Navigation Kit, you can.

The kit includes Socket's "MyNavigator" complete in-car navigation software for Pocket PCs, as well as the GPS receiver - and, finally, European maps.
The idea is that drivers can plan their trips quickly and drive safely without having to read a handheld map or cryptic instructions. "Large graphics and clear voice prompts ensure drivers remain focused on the road," says the announcement. "The software provides turn-by-turn instructions.
"It provides a complete hands-free solution," said Martin Croome, European general manager for Socket. "It has what we think is the most intuitive user interface on the market and includes an array of helpful features including missed-turn correction, on-the-fly route modifications, almanac functionality and speed alerts settings, enabling drivers to concentrate on their driving and not on where the next turn will be."
Socket's Bluetooth GPS Navigation Kit is now available in Europe from through Socket's European distribution channels and via Socket's own web site for an estimated street price of £320.00 plus VAT.
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GPS Bluetooth package gets European maps for car nav
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