Next week: the big Sym (bian) posium in London.
by Guy Kewney | posted on 25 April 2003
The latest version of the Symbian OS, v7.0, will star at this show, which comes two weeks after Microsoft's big Mobility Developer Conference, it's the Symbian Exposium03, which runs from Tuesday 29-30 April, ExCeL Centre, London, UK.

The main difference will probably be the focus; where Microsoft highlighted its strengths in the software developer world, Symbian will concentrate on its customers, both phone makers and carriers.
The big surprise for a lot of people will be the "outing" of Orange, previously seen as Microsoft's prime evangelist, as Symbian supporters. Not only is Orange a conference sponsor, but Nick Balderson, VP of product and infrastructure development for OrangeWorld, will be delivering one of the many outside presentations on Wednesday.
The event kicks off Tuesday, with a keynote by the new boy - CEO David Levin, who has been in the job just a year.
He's followed by a customer: Siemens phones Mobile Phones President Peter Zapf - then a lecture by Ed Candy, Symbian Technology Director. And then another customer: Rikko Sakaguchi who is head of content development at Sony Ericsson.
There will also be a developer conference, featuring training sessions from Symbian, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, and Texas Instruments.
Download the Exposium03 brochure (640Kb) for full details ...
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