Why you might pay £499 for an MP3 player ...
by Guy Kewney | posted on 17 October 2003
The Olympus MP3 player isn't an MP3 player, that's why. It's a "conference kit" - it's a recorder as well.

Actually, as an MP3 player, it sucks. Only 128 megabytes of memory - it's not a threat to the iPod, is it. And it's not meant to be. It comes with "state of the art stereo microphones" and they're "multi-directional" so everybody at the table can be heard everywhere.
What it is, is a personal group voice recorder for meetings. Four hours of "group discussions" it says. Also included in the kit is a remote control for the DM-20 which functions as a microphone.
Oh, and of course, it's also a 128 megabyte USB disk.
Well, it is pretty!
The new Olympus DM-20 Conference Kit is available from the Olympus network of authorised digital dictation specialists: call freephone 0800 072 0070.
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