
Finally, Danger brings its hiptop smartphone to Europe

by Guy Kewney | posted on 23 October 2003

Watch out for phone tourism! - Americans are actually likely to start flying to Germany, just to buy a special tri-band dataphone - the hiptop. They may be disappointed: it's got a QWERTZ keyboard ...

Guy Kewney

The phone, known as the "Sidekick" to American users - actually made by Danger Inc - is something of a cult toy in the USA. Ever since the colour version was announced, owners have wanted one that works outside the American phone area.

This is what will be sold in Europe from next month through German network provider, E-plus. It's a PDA phone, with an unusually clever approach to wireless data - it all goes through Danger's own servers, where it is heavily compressed. But unfortunately, the new phone is, definitely, a German device.

Starting in November, E-Plus customers "will have access to a wireless all-in-one device that combines a fully-featured mobile phone with a Web browser, email, AOL Instant Messenger, an organiser, games and other features all viewable on a 65,000 color display with a full QWERTZ keyboard for data entry," said the announcement.

E-Plus also plans to offer an unlimited use data plan that will enable customers to use the email, Internet and instant messaging features without per megabyte monthly charges.

Today's announcement marks Danger's first foray into the European market and comes on the heels of multiple carrier launches in North America. Since October 2002, Danger has announced partnerships with T-Mobile and SunCom in the U.S., and Microcell in Canada.

At home in the United States, the hiptop device has garnered unprecedented praise from its broad user base that ranges from college students to small business owners to technology enthusiasts. The hiptop product's unique design and user-friendly navigation earned it the Wired Rave Awards "Industrial Design of the Year" and PC Magazine's "Product of the Year" award in 2003.

"We believe that German customers will embrace the E-Plus hiptop product's sophisticated functionality and unique design," said Hank Nothhaft, chairman and chief executive officer of Danger. "We continue to partner with leading telecommunications carriers around the world to bring the hiptop to new markets."

In Europe, the E-Plus hiptop device will retail for €249 (approximately $290 US) and is available from E-Plus.

Initial flat rate service pricing will start at 19.95 Euros/month.

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