A "phone" with 100 megabits a second ...
by Guy Kewney | posted on 27 November 2003
It will be an experiment. It will take three years (starting December) and it's a joint Japan-China development - and yes, it's 100 megabits, not kilobits, of data it will send and receive.

The plan, revealed by the Kyodo news service, involves several universities and companies including Kyoto University, Beijing University and Fujitsu, while according to the Japan Times, NTT DoCoMo is opening a Beijing office, "in a possible attempt to explore the 4G potential of China."
The report was summarised by's Asia staff who appear to be under the impression that 3G phones run rather faster than the rest of us would believe.
The story refers to "speeds of up to 100Mb per second, comparable to fiber-optic cables and much faster than the current 3G mobile phone maximum of 2.4Mb per second." In fact, in Europe at least, a mobile phone that runs faster than 300 kilobits per second would be a breakthrough.
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