WiFi Summit kicks off in London
by Guy Kewney | posted on 04 December 2003
London's answer to the WiFi Planet show in San Jose this week, is the WiFi and 3G Summit, a two-day conference session - inspired by the WiFi Ecademy, and with most heavy hitters in the European industry - and we'll cover the show live.

The conference is chaired by Tony Fish of Ecademy.
He kicked off by saying that this "is not about WiFi vs 3G" and that the purpose of the seminar is to resolve these two issues and get them into correct focus.
"Consumers aren't interested in 2G 3G 4G or WiFi," he said. "They just want to do email." But, he conceded, with 3G handsets in short supply and the delay "costing Hutchison two billion Euros" there might be pressure on phone operators to look at WiFi "and other technologies."
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