Alibi for mobile misbehaviour - background sounds!
by Guy Kewney | posted on 05 March 2004
Ok, I know it was on Slashdot, but there are a surprising number of people who don't read it, and it amused me. Download a few "background sounds" for your mobile, and pretend you're in a hotel bedroom with a sweaty lover, when you're actually fettling a Newnix server ...

I suppose the idea of SoundCover is actually to do it the other way around. When you're actually caught in bed in the Paris Hilton with, erm, Paris herself, you press the button to play the sounds of Pimply Faced Youths cursing the network patch cupboard.
It is even easier, though:
... the phone shows someone calling, and you use caller ID to call up a pre-set background noise. It's the boss? - the background "noisy pub" tells them you're not at your desk. They try to install software which is banned. You casually stroll into the room: "Ah ha! Ignoring the Acceptable Use Policy!" and you're set with enough brownie points to give you an early departure for a month.
Or something. "Pretend you're at the dentist, in the park, on the street, caught in a thunderstorm, near heavy machinery or at a circus parade. The possibilities are endless! You can even use your own prerecorded sounds or sounds downloaded from the Internet."
The demo version is limited to 9 demo backgrounds and the sounds will not loop (they are only played once during the call, then they stop). In the full version, background sounds are played in an infinite loop (to give the impression of continuous sound) and you can use any AMR file on your phone as the background.
Cost fifteen pounds UK ...
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Alibi for mobile misbehaviour - background sounds!
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