A weird looking Nokia "game phone" with a square screen ... N-Gage 2
by Guy Kewney | posted on 10 April 2004
It's being discussed on the forums of Howard; someone has grabbed an illicit piccy of a forthcoming Nokia game phone. It's got the N-Gage logo on it, but it looks a bit bigger.

According to forum member Phoenix81 who claims to have a friend working for Nokia, it's actually smaller than the N-Gage. That makes the hand in the picture pretty small. And, he says, it's due for launch "in a month or two."
The big change, apparently, is in the position you hold it in when using it as a phone (instead of as a games playing multi-player toy) which is "more natural."
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A weird looking Nokia "game phone" with a square screen ... N-Gage 2
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