
Machines talking to each other - Wireless Logic joins Masternaut

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 29 October 2009

One reason there are more mobile phones than people is the invisible horde of phone users who are not people. Another 110,000 SIMS from O2 were "sold" to computers and PDAs recently in a deal between Masternaut Three X and Wireless Logic. They're used for vehicle tracking - an application where it is quite important that a human cannot use the device.

The deal was announced in July as follows:

Leeds, UK, 14 July 2009 – Telematics company Masternaut Three X has signed a multi-million pound deal for O2 SIM cards with Wireless Logic, specialists in SIM based communications. The deal covers 110,000 SIM cards used as a component within Masternaut Three X mobile communication units and PDAs.

One of the largest SIM contracts ever signed in the UK telematics sector, the deal strengthens the partnership between the UK’s leading vehicle tracking company and airtime aggregator.

“This deal is evidence that the UK telematics market remains buoyant and in particular illustrates the strength of Masternaut Three X with not only unsurpassed levels of contract renewals but also continued growth with 50,000 new installations planned over the three years in the UK alone,” says Oliver Tucker, Managing Director, Wireless Logic Ltd.

“Wireless Logic has proven to be the ideal business partner and shares our vision of a wireless working future. With the development of integrated satellite navigation, voice and data communications, we will be working together on innovations that will further push the boundaries of technology and help UK commercial fleet and mobile service operators revolutionise their businesses,” says Martin Port, Managing Director of Masternaut Three X.

Wireless Logic is regarded as the leading ‘Machine to Machine’ SIM provider in the UK. Through global mobile telecom networks, Wireless Logic helps organisations to develop and manage wireless applications seamlessly and cost effectively. Part of the Phones International Group, the Marlow-based company has over 400 Data-Centric partners.

The company recently quoted NTT Docomo saying: "By the year 2010, we will have connected more machines than humans to our networks."

For an overview of M2M (machine to machine) the WL web site is worth a visit, where you can read a summary including the following example:

"The future is machines in your home that talk! Be it a fridge reporting you need more milk and then ordering it direct from the supermarket to enable a delivery to you the next morning!"

The company has just announced a free 30-day trial, offering a SIM with fixed IP address to potential customers. See this offer page for details.

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