What's Palm up to? The wireless shutters open Monday at Lehman's conf
by Guy Kewney | posted on 20 May 2004
Glue yourself to the web-casts on Monday - but don't count on earth-shattering news: Palm is just one of several presenters at the Lehman Brothers 2004 Global Wireless Conference next week. The plan is for Palm to reveal ... something. So will Motorola, Atheros, Netgear ...

There will be a live audio webcast of the Palm presentation; and a replay, on the PalmSource website. The event is timed for 12 PM EDT, and all we know for sure is that "David Nagel, president and CEO of PalmSource, will discuss the company's corporate strategy with investors and analysts."
Immediately after that, Motorola - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Ed Zander's presentation is scheduled to be webcast at approximately 12:20 pm EDT. It will be shown on through Motorola's investor relations Web site.
After that, there's a presentation by Netgear, featuring Patrick Lo, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Again, no detail till Monday (this one 3.30 PM, EDT).
Atheros will be represented by former Intel VP Craig Barratt, president and chief executive officer and Jack Lazar, vice president and chief financial officer, will speak with him. His presentation is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. Eastern time and will be webcast live on the Atheros website
Earlier in the day (9.15 AM EDT) United States Cellular will be represented: John E. Rooney, president and chief executive officer and Kenneth R. Meyers, executive vice president-Finance and chief financial officer of U.S. Cellular will be presenting. Julie D. Mathews, Manager, Investor Relations of TDS, will also be at the conference.
Lehman Brothers have announced the conference, but the publicity for the event is oddly muted, and all the webcasts are being handled separately by each company, it seems.
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