Unlock site will take £20 from you to liberate your Orange C500 SPV smartphone - unlock it
by Guy Kewney | posted on 16 September 2004
No guarantees about the phone, or what Orange will say if you unlock it - and you'll have to have a PC to run the software that does it. But some enterprising individual has put it up on the Web.

The file is available as a Zip here and that's all I know about it, or its quality: download at your own risk. It's just over half a megabyte of code, zipped. Paypal will be accepted.
To run, you have to have your phone connected to your PC, and you have to have Activesync running. But you don't need to know the internal identification code of the phone itself: the program discovers that.
To buy, you run the download program, send the IMEI to the web site, and the money ... and then get the unlock key.
You can discuss this article on our discussion board.
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