
Netbook format toy, with Android software spotted

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 21 April 2009

It's a prototype, says Sacha; but it is a real prototype, not speculative. And the product label is iBuddie. Shipping this year? Maybe, maybe not.

The original report is in German (that's Sacha's language) but Google will translate the short bit of text if you want a giggle.

Now she does the Android Netbook. In this video you'll see Android on a I-Buddie Netbook with Intel Atom N270, that is the time for major hardware. The whole number then it reminds me more of a G1 with a 10.2 inch display.

As you'd expect, on a prototype, it pops up errors - "Sorry!" -[picture, left] a lot, observes Ben Sillis. NewsWireless staff were more interested in the keyboard, which looks comfortable; and the screen, which looks pretty good.

It's also worth recalling that Ben found data suggesting that Google had an Android netbook trial a year ago.

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