
Word intervenes again, when (again) it should leave it to the pros

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 20 April 2009

No expert writer enjoys Word's patronising attempts at grammar correction. Usually, they are merely baffling (obsession with "that" instead of "which" being a case) but today, we caught it being plain silly.

Story: a couple in bed. First Party: "Why didn't we do this years ago?"

Second Party... but we'll never know what the response would be, because Microsoft Word interrupts:

A noun and the words that modify that noun must agree in number. Some nouns can be used in either a singular or a plural sense. In these cases, consider how you are using the marked noun before choosing a modifier.

And it suggests:-

  • Why didn't we do these years ago?
  •  Why didn't we do this year ago?

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