Send a text - to a wishing well?
by Guy J Kewney | posted on 17 December 2008
"I wish the boy in St john's restaurant would notice me. I've been like five times already," says the plaintive wish inside the Spinvox Wishing Well. How did that strange message actually get there? By voice-to-text, is the answer.
The triangular structure [right] is described by its designer as: "The digital component of an interactive space" and instructions are to "call 0207 818 0880, and speak a wish." Then enter the Well, in London's Covent garden. "Within minutes, you'll see your wish magically appear."
All the drawbacks of texting, coupled with the cost of a phone call - and you have to enter an eyesore (sorry! - digital component of an interactive space) - to read your own messages?
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