
What sort of "parachute" has two jet engines?

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 25 April 2008

According to "Flight" this little mobile device can travel 50 km without engines. No data as yet about what sort of wireless gear it has... but there's been very little available about it since it was launched in June 2006.

The device suddenly popped up this week, when it was shown flying in video on a Fox News report - and the video, sadly, shows that this is not entirely what we dreamed of.

Basically, it can't land. No undercarriage. So although (see illustration, above, right) it can be boosted by twin micro turbo jets as an option, when this super-glider comes near the ground, you have to take off your wings, and pull the rip-cord (see illustration, left).

And then you make an undignified plop into the ground, trying not to trip over the wings; before picking out any weapons stored in that backpack, and continuing your mission.

It may be how James Bond does it, but Batman would never stoop so low!

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