
"Looks like a Googlism" - another G-Phone rumour from India

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 01 November 2007

Quoting "inside sources" for the tipoff, TheIndiaStreet says the next Google phone will be built by e28.

The smartphone includes WiFi wireless, and the report seems to be particularly impressed by the wording of the e28 web site blurb:

The Company is Focusing on

  • Smart Phone
  • Linux SW
  • Mass Market Mobile Convergence.
  • That last, says the author, Colton, "looks like a Googlism" - and the same writer goes on to suggest: "Choosing e28 as the Gphone manufacturer and Linux software provider is an ingenious move that will certainly trump the popularity of the iPhone."

    That sort of analysis rather leads one to hope that their "industry insider" is better informed than the writer.

    The prediction that there will be a Google phone was made by Bob Caswell earlier this week. He predicts a launch some time in 2008, and has also said that "Google is in advanced talks with two U.S. cellphone operators: Verizon Wireless and Sprint Nextel."

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