
When it comes to cars, women like Bluetooth and GPS!

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 17 October 2007

A sunroof (says a survey) is "the most over-rated feature on a car." Bluetooth, by comparison, is second highest on their "must have" list.

Top five features for a car, says John Sternal, Vice President of Marketing Communications of are:

  • Fold-down back seats for more storage room
  • Bluetooth capability
  • MP3/iPod connectivity
  • Automatic open/close hatchback
  • GPS technology
  • "It turns out, women still don't have gadget envy when it comes to car features," said the company, which helps people transfer car leases.

    Sternal recently polled a number of the company's female customers on their favourite car features. "And despite all the recent hype surrounding everything technology from iPhones to WiMAX, women want functionality in a car."

    Still, at least they like Bluetooth, MP3s and GPS, eh?

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