
iPhone: now there's no excuse for ignorance! - manual is online.

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 30 June 2007

It's official: "Don't use window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, ammonia, or abrasives to clean iPhone." And you've no excuse for ignorance, because even if you have not got an iPhone, you have got the iPhone manual

Not only does it tell you how to use it, but (says Apple Insider) it's also got a list of early problems:

In addition to the primary manual, Apple has also issued its first five technical notes for those experiencing problems with the device. The posting includes three troubleshooting notes for those unable to use POP3 e-mail, a failure to recognise the device by iTunes or Mac OS X, and those experiencing lockups or unresponsiveness.

And now at least you know what the icons look like... and you can play at finger-gestures. Like, pinch in or out to zoom on a photograph. Fun, isn't it?

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