
13 most probable reasons the iPhone will break your heart (and get your story noticed!)

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 28 June 2007

Brave man, George Jones: he thinks Steve Jobs is just another CEO, and the iPhone is just another gadget. It doesn't even have GPS!

His "13 most probable reasons the iPhone will break your heart" starts with the lack of GPS, moves on to "12. Text entry won't work well," and "11. It's ugly!" (really?) - and then lists several complaints already voiced by other reviewers (screen scratches, touch-screens lose their touch, the 2G connectivity is far too slow) and even complains, reasonably convincingly, that there's no Instant Messenger.

But some of the grouses are just silly. "No MMS!" says Jones. Huh? Who on this earth uses MMS? And top of the list: "Smugness factor" - who wants to be part of a horde?

Naturally, the comments that follow are all posted by the Horde, and naturally, that was the point.

Politest response: "He puts the 'moron' in 'oxymoron!" and it goes downhill from there. Well, Jones knew it would...

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