
James Randi "Tests for electro-sensitivity could be easily carried out. But...

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 24 May 2007

Magician and charlatan-spotter James Randi, mentioned in our recent comment on the "dangers of WiFi radiation" has contacted NewsWireless to say he's happy to take on the challenge of testing electro-sensitive people - can they, or can they not tell if a phone is switched on?

Writing in the NewsWireless BBS, Randi (or someone claiming to be Randi!) said yesterday:

"Since I was briefly mentioned in the "ES" matter, I offer an observation: Though I'm unable to declare on the possible damage that might be caused by EM radiation such as that used by cellphones, a test of those who claim ES, can be easily and definitively carried out."

The message continues: "I've received all sorts of mail from those who say they can immediately detect the presence of a switched-on cell phone, and yet not one of them has agreed to take a simple test for this ability."

He concludes: "Such folks as Debbie Bird -- see my web site - seem unwilling to prove their claim, but it was ever thus."

Electro-sensitive? - You can discuss this article on our discussion board.