PR releases

Kineto and Texas Instruments collaborate on UMA

by Staff Writer | posted on 08 February 2007

Milpitas, Calif. February 7, 2007  - Kineto’s UMA client integrated with TI’s OMAPV1030 for Nucleus™ and Windows Mobile® handset platform

Kineto Wireless, Inc., the key innovator and leading supplier of Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) technology, today announced that it is working with Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) to enable UMA support on TI’s OMAP-Vox™ platform. As a result of the collaboration, mobile handset manufacturers will be able to rapidly develop UMA-enabled Microsoft® Windows Mobile® smartphones and UMA-enabled feature phones based on the TI OMAPV1030 GSM/GPRS/EDGE solution.

Under the collaboration, TI will offer OMAPV1030 solutions, which mobile handset vendors can combine with the Kineto UMA Handset Client to build UMA-enabled handsets.

“Operator demand for UMA-enabled handsets continues to grow rapidly,” said Avner Goren, marketing director of Texas Instruments Cellular Systems Solutions. “With its proven track record in UMA, Kineto helped deliver a combined solution based on TI’s OMAPV1030 processor to meet handset manufacturers’ needs.”

Part of TI’s OMAP-Vox product family, the OMAPV1030 processor is the industry’s most integrated and optimized GSM/GPRS/EDGE solution. Both parties plan to extend the UMA collaboration to other operating systems and potentially other TI mobile handset platforms.

“We are delighted to be collaborating with Texas Instruments on UMA technology,” said Mark Powell, vice president of the client business unit and co-founder of Kineto Wireless. “TI is a leading supplier of baseband platforms to handset vendors and partnering to leverage the excellent OMAPV1030 processor is a tremendous way to help the mobile handset industry satisfy the growing operator demand for more UMA devices.”

About UMA Technology

Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) technology is the 3GPP global standard for fixed/mobile convergence. Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) technology is the 3GPP global standard for fixed/mobile convergence.

UMA enables secure, scalable access to mobile voice, data and IMS services over broadband IP access networks. By deploying UMA technology, mobile operators can deliver a number of compelling fixed-mobile convergence services. The most well known application of UMA technology is dual-mode cellular/Wi-Fi handsets, which enable subscribers to automatically roam and handover between cellular networks and public and private WLANs. Leading operators around the world have embraced UMA technology as part of a fixed-mobile convergence strategy, including Telecom Italia, France Telecom/Orange and TeliaSonera. For more information, please visit

About Kineto Wireless

Kineto Wireless is the key innovator and leading supplier of Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) technology, the 3GPP standard for fixed-mobile convergence. As the leading provider of UMA technology, Kineto supplies core network solutions through OEM partnerships with leading network infrastructure providers, and also provides UMA-compliant software, development tools and support services to mobile platform suppliers, mobile handset developers, and other consumer electronics vendors. Kineto was recently named as the recipient of the 2006 Financial Times (FT) World Communications Award for innovation in technology for its role in UMA. For more information, please visit

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Download the full press release from Kineto's web site (Adobe Acrobat .PDF)

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