
Satellite drops picocell into remote areas for "instant GSM" coverage

by Staff Writer | posted on 27 January 2007

Two wireless networking companies have banded together to develop a private GSM network backhauled over satellite.

Satellite operator DigitalSkys is adopting GSM-to-IP technology from Private Mobile Networks to build its hybrid network, which will be hubbed out of Cyprus and aimed at customers in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Asian sub-continent.

Due to launch in three weeks, the service will allow DigitalSkys to drop a picocell with an IP-over-satellite uplink into an isolated or remote area, and provide the locals with GSM coverage on its private network. Target customers include government and the military, plus private companies in areas such as mining, oil and gas, or even hospitality - a temporary network for an exhibition, for example.

Full story at The Register

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