Testing Technorati! - how long before it smells coffee?
by Sniffer | posted on 27 October 2006
Nothing to see here, these aren't the droids you're looking for. Just a brief appearance by the Hunkymouse. Tag: Hunkymouse to be reported at 13:00 hours Friday 27th October.

As very attentive readers may have spotted, the Publisher is curious about why, after filling this news site with Technorati tags, not a single one has ever been linked from Technorati. They are now experimenting with putting a tag in the introductory paragraph.
Your Sniffer is dubious about how effective it will be... certainly, it does nothing for the general aesthetics. Meanwhile, Technorati continues to be spammed to death - try searching for "sharp pda" for example, and what you get is - pure spam.
Good, innit...
Update October 30: this story first appeared 27 October. It's now 30 October. Still no sign of the tag beingpicked up on Technorati. Also, still no sign of any email to Technorati being received or acknowledged, never mind answered.
"Web 2.0 means never having to say sorry. Or anything..."
Technorati tags: web2.0 technorati
Sniff, sniff... - You can discuss this article on our discussion board.
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