
"Fill in this form. We'll ignore it" - Sony Ericsson won't hear P990i complaints

by Bill Ray | posted on 15 October 2006

Aside from the questionable user interface features exposed in reviews, some of Sony Ericsson's P990i phones seem to be suffering from stability issues - including random crashes and rebooting - so a complaint through the mobile company's website doesn't seem unreasonable.

 But if you go to Sony Ericsson's website and fill out the web form to make a complaint, the mail bounces back.

The form actually sends its responses to which came as a surprise to MM Teleperformance who owns the domain and is bouncing mails sent to that address.

We can't help but wonder if this isn't a trend in outsourcing customer support - why wait for a company to agree to manage your support, just send the mails to them anyway and hope they deal with it.

We tried to get Sony Ericsson to comment, but have not yet had a response to the web form we filled out. Well, duh...

Reviewed: the Sony Ericsson P990i "disappointing."

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