
Broadband supplier offline: BT denies existence of Sub-Urban spaceman

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 02 October 2006

A small problem with my office broadband connection. Nothing to write home about - the ISP is an old mate. So I rang to ask whether there had been a glitch.

Now, that's news. Normally, I don't have to ring: the guy hangs out on my IRC channel at Hunkymouse and I just casually mention it to him in passing. But for the last two weeks, he hasn't been around.

His colleague confessed: "He's on holiday." If you can call moving house a holiday, yes, he's on holiday. But why isn't he online (I asked) since normally, he can join us online even when watching Grand Slam tennis from Milan?

"Ah, he hasn't got broadband."

An ISP, without broadband? How? What? Why?

"It's a new house, just built; and he's moved in, and everything was organised." He asked BT to install a phone line so it would be there when he arrived. "But when he got there, there was no phone line," revealed his colleague.

"They say there's no such address, and that's the end of it."

Three weeks, and counting... he's the Urban Spaceman

Urban spaceman... I don't exist - You can discuss this article on our discussion board.