
Surprise! - there "are not enough WiFi hotspots" say users

by Bill Ray | posted on 28 September 2006

A survey of 253 WiFi users by polling company YouGov for T-Mobile in the UK, has discovered that users would like more hotspots in more locations: half of them want WiFi-equipped trains and a quarter want access on the tube, though with 86 per cent of them using laptops it's not clear how useful such connectivity would be during rush hour.

Slightly more interesting is the fact that 45 per cent are using WiFi to stay in touch with friends and family, with 30 per cent reporting an improved work/life balance thanks to high-speed wireless. The value of remote quality time spent with the family is up for debate, but many consider it better than nothing.

Given that users were so keen to have connectivity in shopping centres (37 per cent) and on public transport, it might seem surprising that users spend an average of two hours signed in to a hotspot. Either they really like shopping, spend a lot of time delayed on the train, or those long sessions logged on in hotels are pushing the average up.

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