
UMA - a Monstrous Animal? - all dressed up, nowhere to go?

by Staff Writer | posted on 17 August 2006

It has often been said that nobody knows what UMA* actually is; but it isn't as often realised that nobody knows where it will be held. We're talking the UMA Services and Technology forum due to be held in London September 16-18 - this year. And still no venue!

The conference is nicely flagged on its own web site. The date is firm. The venue: "A Five Star Venue to be Announced Shortly, London, UK."

Be grateful you aren't the project manager, trying to get a good deal out of some five star hotel, the owner of which is insisting on a premium payment for September 16-18 this year...

Registration also seems problematical. There is an option for "Request a brochure"
which is your best bet.

NewsWireless did attempt to register, but was baffled by the entry form, which asked for our "area of expertese" [sic] - and presented a list including, amongst "executaries series" and "marketing" and "food/beverage" the unusual profession: "No video required."

* We're betting that UMA here almost certainly means Unlicensed Mobile Access, or GAN - Generic Access Network, as we're probably supposed to call WiFi-GSM convergence these days. Hopefully, the conference organisers will return from holiday any day, and make all these things clearer...


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