
"Show your staff what they spend on company mobiles!"

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 04 July 2006

Large organisations "are wasting millions each year by not providing staff with access to their business mobile phone bill," according to Matt Atkinson, head of AKJ. The company is launching a "Mobile Management program" to demonstrate just how much is wasted through ignorance.

Atkinson reckons that in many organisations with large mobile fleets, the billing is central "and individual users have no idea of their own usage, which can be hugely damaging to the company. The significant growth in premium text services is a prime example, says Atkinson: "users are often unaware that by sending a one time text to such a service they may inadvertently be subscribing to ongoing premium text content. As many mobile users never see their actual bill they remain totally unaware of what their one time text is costing their organisation."

The bait: to help large organisations understand the true cost of personal or inappropriate usage, and the potential implication of this usage on areas including VAT accounting, AKJ is offering a no obligation "insight review" of mobile billing to any organisation with over 200 users, applying before the end of September.

The hook: well, it's a commercial service. Aurora Kendrick James aka AKJ, creates billing and telecom expense management services based upon its 'Affinity' billing and customer care platform, which supports the fields of fixed, wireless, broadband and convergence communications.

The reckon to have seen companies where the phone bills dropped by as much as 20% once phone users knew what they were spending.

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