
Nice to see the critical voice is still raised...

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 19 June 2006

Nostalgia. Writing about Bill Gates - it's something I haven't done for a while. And the other side of that task: getting flamed for telling a reader something they really didn't want to know. Well, that's less nostalgic.

Today's Monday Column on the Register was, I thought, an attempt to remind the world that things aren't what they seem at first sight. I've read so darned many adulatory articles about Bill Gates, by people who've met him for the first time the day they interviewed him - and they all refer to him as this programming genius.It's true. Gates is a better programmer than I am, or ever could be. Actually, he's a great programmer, in many dimensions; but being a great programmer isn't a qualification for turning a software company into a mega-corp. There's more to the boy-god than coding skills, and today's column tries to explain one of his other dimensions.

And the response? -"That was truly the saddest thing I have read in a long time. Seeing such myopic insider drivel is depressing on so many levels."

Just like old days. Write about Bill, and get flamed. Still, it makes a change from being flamed for writing about Steve Ballmer...


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