Who's that Brummie with the Sendo phone?
by Sniffer | posted on 16 February 2006
Keen-eyed, or keen on the scent? Anyway, the man with the Sendo phone at 3GSM was quickly identified by your packet sniffer: Hugh Brogan, founder of Sendo, which died last year when it ran out of finance.

Some rude individual did ask him how much Nokia paid to bail Sendo out, and whether it was more than a hundred million pounds, or less than fifty million. The bailout payment, always denied by both Nokia and Sendo, was widely believed to have been paid by the Symbian company to ensure that the Series 60 family triumphed over the Microsoft Windows Mobile startup - and if that was the strategy, it certainly succeeded so far.
Brogan maintained his usual silence. Your sniffer still thinks it was around 60 million...
And what is Brogan up to now? Naturally, he wasn't saying, but inbetween advising Government departments on strategy and helping merchant bankers make sensible decisions, he admitted he does have "some interesting projects" under way.
His business card shows one of them: Hu-Do. Alas, as you can see, you need a password to view that; so the cat won't come out of the bag, and if you want to know what Hugh Do, you'll have to wait till he's ready to reveal it.
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