
"West Midlands" aspirations exposed! - Super Slyder review puts Brummies on pedestal...

by Guy Kewney | posted on 25 August 2005

Pity the man who has to review a boring Palm-based game with 200 levels, of which the first 100 levels are simply "the dizzy heights that you expect from the West Midlands."

Guy Kewney

The man: Mad Ewan Spence of All About Palm. The Game: Super Slyder from Astraware. The verdict: "There’s no feeling of success when you get through a level. There isn’t a buzz of completing a really tricky because, well, the levels aren’t particularly tricky."

And yet, somehow, Ewan stuck it out for 100 levels. Heroism.

  • The full Super Slyder review
  • The Astraware online shop

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