PR releases

Billing Systems 2005 - further proof of market recovery

by Staff Writer | posted on 13 April 2005

With over 1,000 participants gathering to do business at Olympia for IIR's Annual Billing Systems show - the leading billing focused event in Europe, with decision makers from around the world much in evidence - the consensus was a definite thumbs up for a growing market recovery.

  • "Not only did it enable us to engage with our current clients but it also provided us with exposure in front of many potential customers...";
  • "I had back-to-back meetings throughout the show with C-level executives...";
  • "The show has been a real success...";
  • " ever impressive delegate list representing the top wireless operators";
  • "...a very successful event for us with respect to visitors and prospects";
  • "...always a good opportunity to meet people from all over the world"
  • ...were just some of the comments emanating from the busy exhibition floor.

    "I was impressed by the serious intent of the attendees to do business.", commented Hugh Roberts, Consultant Director of IIR's OSS, BSS & Revenue Management Events. "The focus of the billing community is maturing, and their sights are now firmly set on addressing the end-to-end systems and process requirements to support true financial transaction management. It is always a pleasure to see ideas talked about for years turn into reality, and at Billing Systems this year both the service providers and vendors have moved on from discussing concepts to solving strategic, tactical and operational deployment issues."

    Over 300 delegates took part in the multi-streamed conference. "Another indication that the market is improving has been the increased level of technical content in the presentations made by service providers from around the world.", continues Roberts. "This is a clear demonstration of the fact that new generation billing deployments are moving out of the laboratory and into real operating environments where they are capturing real revenues from new and innovative services. One word of caution, however... getting the technology right is clearly important, but we must maintain our increased focus on customer-centric thinking and revenue management best practice if we are to continue making competitive inroads into 'non-traditional' markets for telecoms products and services."

    IIR's Billing Systems is firmly established as the largest and most important billing, CRM & revenue management event in the EMEA region. With a track record going back to 1993, the 12th running of this prestigious exhibition and conference took place in London on April 4th - 7th, 2005 at Olympia 2 Conference & Exhibition Centre. The Billing Systems conference - always a central feature of the show - features numerous service provider case studies spread across multiple streams, enabling delegates to benchmark and improve their current billing practices and to gain a clear insight into the key issues which are shaping the future of communications billing.

    Billing Systems 2005 Exhibitor Quotes

    "The Billing Systems is always a good opportunity to meet people from all over the world and exchange experiences and perceptions regarding the billing market and its development."  Sabine Poreda, Senior Marketing & Communications Manager, T Systems

    "As an exhibitor we were impressed with the contacts we made and in that respect the event exceeded our expectations."  Tom Uhart, Partner at Nimbus Systems

    "The Billing Systems 2005 was a very successful event for LHS with respect to visitors and prospects. It is an event that an ISV in the billing industry just wouldn't want to miss. Especially the pre-conference targeted at the Middle Eastern region was most interesting as it is one of the emerging areas around the world."  Arnaud Lassalle, Vice President Marketing and Communications at LHS

    "As a new systems provider in the telecom billing area, Billing Systems 2005 turned out to be a very good place to showcase Delaware's innovative solutions to the right people."
    Nils Olsson, Business Development Manager, Delaware (Spain)

    "A big thank you to the folks at IIR for all the tremendous support they gave us. As an exhibitor, the show has been a real success for us, providing us with many exciting new leads. Thanks again."  Ian Gray, CEO, Novatel

    "Billing Systems 2005 was a great opportunity for Portal to meet with analysts, prospects and customers to discuss our Portal 7 Revenue Management and Revenue Intelligence solutions.  I had back-to-back meetings throughout the show with C-level executives and industry influencers."   Sanjay Mehta, Senior Director of Marketing, Portal Software, Inc.

    "We found Billing Systems 2005 a rewarding show.  Not only did it enable us to engage with our current clients but it also provided us with exposure in front of many potential customers.  We would definitely consider attending future shows."  Nick Milner, chief marketing officer, Azure Solutions

    "It has been an exciting show! We had the opportunity to meet with both potential and existing customers and partners, and to feel the pulse of the Telecom industry."  João Valente, WeDo Soft, responsible for the UK market

    "Billing Systems has been a very positive networking experience with both customers and partners! We had the opportunity to present our products to many important players in the Telecom market. Furthermore, Billing Systems was truly "the place to be" to learn about the latest trends in Billing and OSS telecom systems. The hot topic this year was definitely Revenue Assurance!"  Ana Miranda, WeDo Soft Account Manager

    "The IIR Billing Systems show continues to be the leading billing focused event in Europe with an ever impressive delegate list representing the top wireless operators." Lucas Skoczkowski, CEO of Redknee

    +++ About IIR Telecoms +++

    IIR Telecoms & Technology has established itself as the leading provider of highly focused strategic telecommunications conferences. Designed to serve the needs of both operators and manufacturers, the conferences are both international in scope and highly focused on the issues facing the industry. IIR Telecoms is part of IIR, the world's largest conference company and the leader in the provision of business information for over 20 years. IIR produces over 3000 events annually from a network of offices in 30 countries. For further information visit

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