Intel rolls out the big guns to launch Mobile WiMAX plans
by Guy Kewney | posted on 12 April 2005
At the WiMAX & Wireless Broadband Access Conference next week at London's Olympia conference centre, it will be a celebration of the 40th anniversary of Moore’s Law, says Intel.

And to celebrate, Scott Richardson, the man in charge of the wireless project that will one day give us mobile WiMAX, will give a keynote: From Fixed Wireless To Mobile Broadband.
Be up early if you want to catch it: it starts 9 AM.
Scott Richardson is general manager of Intel’s Broadband Wireless Solution and will discuss the WiMAX roadmap as well as unveiling details of a new product which will help to spearhead the adoption of the emerging WiMAX technology.
"Moore’s Law is key to Intel’s WiMAX strategy allowing innovation and then integration," says the Intel announcement. It "will help bring down the cost of the technology, allowing the potential for widespread adoption across business and rural communities."
NewsWireless plans to be there; hopefully, to report on a round table with a number of leading TEMs - Telecom Equipment Manufacturers - and carriers, for an open press Q&A.
The Great and the Good of WiMAX will include people from BT, Iberbanda, Telecom South Africa, Alvarion, Proxim and ZTE.
WiMAX in London - You can discuss this article on our discussion board.
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