Thought for the day: weight of evidence
by Sniffer | posted on 12 April 2005
Knowledge has no bearing on truth - this can be empirically proven:

Knowledge, of course, is power, which is also energy. And Einstein showed that energy is matter, which has mass. This demonstrates two things - that increasing knowledge increases the knower’s mass, and that knowledge is a concrete, physical thing. (It also demonstrates, according to the classic proof, that libraries are dangerous places, due to the enormous weight of accumulated knowledge, but that is neither here nor there.)
Truth, on the other hand, is beauty. And beauty, being an abstract concept, is both unburdened by mass and an essentially subjective quality. After all, beauty, and therefore Truth, is in the eye of the beholder.
Increasing knowledge increases mass, but does not increase the unrelated value of Truth. The addition of mass does weigh down the knowledgable observer, however, who also experiences a faster flow of time and thus aging due to the increased time-space dilation of his own gravitational field.
This is why knowledgable men and women seem more mature, and often feel
old, weighed down, and tired when confronted with those who are burdened only by their own subjective Truth.
From Colin
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