Cannes for 3GSM - not enough hotels...
by Guy Kewney | posted on 01 February 2005
The story of the journalist who has to fly to Cannes for 3GSM via Marseilles, isn't unique. There's a lot of it about - hard-luck stories. Can Cannes hold a candle to convention centres in larger cities in Europe?

The sad tale of HP's attempt to get media attention is just one of many such. Not everybody finds it glamorous to be on the set of the Cannes Film Festival in winter. And one comment (in suggests that it really is time to re-consider the venue.
The problem is: where else would you go, in Europe, in the depths of winter?
Even the South of France is no guarantee of good weather in February. If it's going to rain on the Cote d'Azur, then winter is the time for it. And only a week ago, temperatures in the North Mediterranean were down below zero. Don't go to 3GSM with only your shorts and a light sweater, and definitely don't plan on swimming in the sea!
Barcelona is bigger than Cannes, of course, and has huge convention facilities. But that's in the same general lattitude, and fond though many people are of the Catalan capital city, it may not have the same "pull" as Cannes.
At least, the good news is out: this year, there will be universal, free WiFi all over the show area.
All we have to do now, is hope that they get it working properly...
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Cannes for 3GSM - not enough hotels...