Know what PDA you love? Pocket PC? Here's where to go ...
by Guy Kewney | posted on 17 August 2002
Of course, you may not agree with their taste: "This enthusiast site is run by people who love using their Pocket PCs. First and foremost, we're an opinion site, and our views follow our passion for everything that is Pocket PC ... " but at least you know what you're getting.

They seem to pick up quickly on new gizmos too, at Pocket PC Thoughts - I was first attracted to their site by a Bluetooth keyboard. That has nothing to do with Pocket PCs at all, but it's going to be on their normal search engine, isn't it ... ?
The opinions are open; it's a Forum site, so it's a good place to get flamed!
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Know what PDA you love? Pocket PC? Here's where to go ...