
After vindaloo, it's wireless find-a-loo time ...

by Curry Eater | posted on 09 April 2002

There aren't that many exciting WAPlications, are there? So when reader Brian Turner reported that he'd developed a toilet-finder using WAP ...

Fancy a guided tour of Australia's public loos? Well, possibly not right now; but after a night in the pub with a vindaloo or too, you might well need to findaloo quickly.

In which case, I have bad news for you. "Note: Please be patient. Using the map for the first time will require a number of files to be downloaded. They will take approximately one minute to load when connected at 56k. Once these files are downloaded the map tool will perform queries in only a few seconds. We are currently working on increasing the speed of the inital download process."


Brian Turner has a prototype "findaloo" program for WAP, which he thought might interest Newswireless Net readers. So when his site is up, you'll find it of interest. If you aren't in a hurry ... ?

Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'echo.xcalibre.co.uk' (111) in /home/1436/briant55/www.toiletfinder.com/public_html/toiletfinder.php on line 11 Connection FailedCould not select the toiletfinder database!Couldn't insert data.

Ooops ... not really your day, is it? Oy! don't leave the lid up ...