Orange SPV "support" baffled by technology ...
by Sniffer | posted on 07 February 2003
Orange seems to be having trouble convincing its SPV "Smartphone" users that it actually knows the first thing about it - making its claims to have "jointly developed" the product with Microsoft look decidedly shaky.

This from an Orange customer today. He mailed the Hunky Mouse after hanging up the phone.
Before hanging up the phone, the conversation, he says, went like this:
Customer: "I've just bought an SPV. I understand that it plays MP3, WMV and WMA files."
Technician: [after a short pause while he looks this up] "Yes, that's right!"
Customer: "But what IS a WMV file?"
Technician: "We don't have that information. We don't support that feature."
For those who who don't use Windows, a WMV file is a compressed video clip. For those who hadn't guessed, Orange is desperate to cut support costs ...
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