The secret Java offensive starts ... mobile phones at Java One show
by Sniffer | posted on 25 April 2003
Advertising from Sun has started for Java One. It says: "Did you know ... That there are more than 100 million Java technology-enabled mobile phones?" Actually, yes - but does Sun?

The current campaign starts with the challenge, above; and it goes on: " ... that there are 34 carriers worldwide with Java technology-enabled wireless networks? That by 2007, almost 100% of all handsets will have Java capabilities? That there are 300 million Java Card implementations in use for authentication and identity management today?"
Well now you do. But you wouldn't find that out from visiting www.sun.com - or, if you do manage it, let Sniffer know, because no packets we could trace betrayed its location there. It would appear to be a bit of a secret at Sun itself.
We eventually found it at http://java.sun.com/javaone which links to a special javaone site; which appears not to be flagged anywhere on Sun's own pages.
Odd. Plenty about last year's conference; nothing about this. Worth going to, this conference; but shouldn't someone tell Sun? After all, anybody who is already committed to Java will have the site bookmarked, but aren't we supposed to try to reach those who are sunk in Windows depravity, here?
JavaOne Conference. June 10-13, 2003, at the Moscone Convention Center - San Francisco, California.
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