The seminar starts. Registration day at the Monkey House
by Sniffer | posted on 13 July 2003
The Hunky Mouse was a fascinated spectator today as the "Monkey House" mobile data seminar kicked off at Estrella Del Mar, in Southern Spain, with a pitifully small attendance.

The Boss was busy preparing registration cards, and trying not to look disappointed. "Given that we did this with virtually no publicity at all, seven people is really good," he said bravely.
Sniffer, maintaining a tactful silence, decided not to say anything about "Why didn't you publicise it, then? or "You should have invited one or two journalists!" and instead, remarked that it was just as well that there was an ample "apres-seminar" schedule.
The other thing Sniffer didn't say was anything about "You're not really here for the hunting, are you?" and deserves credit for not remarking on The Boss's penchant for picking a place with reasonably poor conference facilities - and even more credit for not suggesting that it was primarily the local sailing school that attracted the Mobile Campaign to this venue. So the Boss didn't have any provocation.
There are lots of flies. The Hunky Mouse didn't mention those, either. To give The Boss credit, he was also restrained, and didn't say anything further about his suspicions that the title of "The Monkey House" was a poor choice of seminar theme ...
Further bulletins ... as events warrant!
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The seminar starts. Registration day at the Monkey House
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