Hunky Mouse sets up IRC chat server. Men in white coats are summoned ...
by Sniffer | posted on 05 March 2004
It is true!- if you have an IRC client, you can chat to Hank Maus online. Set your IRC to hunkymouse.co.uk and choose channel #kewney to join, and we'll see you there ...

For those who haven't got an IRC client, the quickest and simplest way is to download the shareware program mIRC and join.
Alternatively, you can use Trillian which not only connects to IRC servers, but will also talk to ICQ and Yahoo and several other Instant Messaging services.
And for those youngsters who don't remember IRC, it stands for Internet Relay Chat, and it can be pretty anonymouse. But Hank (your Sniffer) Maus does have standards, and will block troublesome IP addresses and, if it gets to be a problem, even domains.
See you there?
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